Ever since 2nd year of university, I have been lusting over brand name designer bags. It started with Coach and quickly escalated up to Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Prada. What further fueled my obsession was the Internet. Bloggers will often post their prize possessions and fashionable closet items that would make any 20 year old envious. Through my summer internships, I started saving money to purchase these high-end designer items.
Throughout the past two years, I have quickly realized that some items are classic pieces that will always raise in value and there are pieces that will quickly drop in value once you have used it.
This post is intended to explain which pieces I believe would be a great addition for someone who just started collecting and for someone who is looking for some classic staples to upgrade their wardrobe.
1) Chanel 2.55 Double Flap
I have lusted over this handbag for many years. With stars such as Blake Lively using such bag, it is bound to be a favourite for many people. However, this bag has quite the history! Coco Chanel said she created this bag to give women a practical yet classic piece for their closet.
2) Ferragamo Bow Flats/Heels
These are one of the most classic pieces in fashion. Many girls have a pair of these gorgeous heels or flats. My boyfriend bought them for me a year ago for my Christmas present and I was ecstatic!
The Burberry Trench always reminded me of rainy days in London. The Burberry pattern peaking out of the lapels of the trench coat makes it subtle yet classy. I would love to add this to my closet in the near future.
4) Christian Louboutin
Who can say no to a pair of red-bottoms? Louboutins have been an essential for any blogger and youtuber's closet. These classy shoes start from $700 and can go up to thousands of dollars. But it's every girl's dreams to own a pair!
Another chic yet quintessential piece. I love the burberry scarf. It makes any coat that you're wearing on a cold winter day 100x cuter. This is a must-have accessory piece.
Hopefully you guys found this list to be helpful! If you think there are any items that should be added, feel free to leave it in the comment section below!